2024 Events

Take a look at the events WCC held in 2024: 



THURSDAY May 9, 2024

What You Can Do to Increase Abortion Access and Decrease Abortion Stigma in New York

WCC recently hosted a webinar featuring Laura Edidin, our Senior VP of Programs and Partnerships, as the moderator. The event highlighted discussions with the Abortion Positivity Project and NYS Assemblymember Amy Paulin, focusing on efforts to increase abortion access and reduce stigma in New York. Sophie Nir, CEO of the Abortion Positivity Project, shared insights into her work towards a stigma-free world with accessible abortion. Assemblymember Paulin discussed legislation to expand abortion medication access, proposing pharmacists dispense it without a doctor’s visit and ensuring insurance covers the cost. Watch the full video here.

THURSDAY March 21, 2024

CUNY Career Compass for Women Leaders Conference: Change Making Careers in Reproductive Justice

On March 21st, Women Creating Change (WCC) participated in CUNY’s Women’s Conference Week, a platform for women leaders to share their personal and professional journeys, skills, and strengths. WCC hosted a compelling panel titled “Change Making Careers in Reproductive Justice,” featuring WCC’s own Laura Edidin and Na’ilah Amaru, along with Thamar Ferdinand, the Executive Director of the New York City Council Women’s Caucus, and Rochelle Rodney, Co-Executive Director of the New York Birth Control Access Project. The discussion was timely and powerful, exploring how active participation in communities can lead to both meaningful change and a fulfilling career in reproductive justice. Watch the full video here.

TUESDAY February 13, 2024

Our New York, Our Future

The event offered an in-depth analysis of Governor Hochul’s State of the State proposals, specifically focusing on their implications for individuals and women. Attendees had the opportunity to explore the 2024 proposed policies and budget priorities. The session included a dynamic Q&A session with key speakers, providing participants with insights into resources, tools, and strategies to advance gender equity. The event aimed to equip attendees with knowledge to advocate for policies that contribute to shaping a more equitable societal landscape. Watch the video here.