Challenges and Vision

Tackling gender inequality requires robust engagement and activism. Our programs empower women and gender-expansive individuals to advocate for systemic and community transformation.

WCC emphasizes collaboration, seeing participants as co-creators as well as beneficiaries. Our integrated approach connects women to one another producing transformative changemakers wielding their power individually and collectively.


  • Research and Analysis to identify gaps and make policy recommendations 
  • Leadership Development to equip and empower women with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to become effective leaders in their communities 
  • Advocacy and Policy to drive meaningful change by addressing systemic inequalities and championing rights of underserved communities through mobilization opportunities 
  • Resources and tools to enhance community connections and opportunities, increasing knowledge and capacity for civic participation

Program components

  • Civics Matters Hub: A digital resource offering tools, community circles, policy insights, and guidance on civic engagement in both government and community settings
  • Civics Workshops: Civics 101, 201, and 301 curricula to guide women from understanding government functions to deep dives into policy shaping
  • Community Connections: Conferences and gatherings providing data, policy recommendations, and connections to officials and influencers 
  • Fellowships: Offering intensive training and immersion in policy-making environments 

Impact of Women’s Civic Engagement

  • Improved Policy Outcomes addressing a broader range of issues 
  • Economic Empowerment and reduced gender disparities in the workforce through advocacy for equal pay, better work conditions, and access to economic opportunities 
  • Social and Community Development efforts leading to stronger, more cohesive communities
  • Increased Political Participation including voting, entering leadership, and running for office
  • Education and Awareness about social and political issues
  • Skills, Knowledge and Confidence to advocate for their rights and community needs
  • Reduction of Inequality including gender, racial, and economic disparities


Founded in 1915, WCC focuses on racial and gender equity, promoting just and equitable involvement of women and gender-expansive people in civic life, fostering policy changes in economic justice, health and reproductive rights, education, safety, and environmental justice.